Saturday, 27 December 2008
Recently Read

Thursday, 25 December 2008
Contained in the biography...
“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.” George Bernard Shaw - writer, Nobel laureate (1856-1950)
Hiatus - hi⋅a⋅tus [hahy-ey-tuhs]
1. a break or interruption in the continuity of a work, series, action, etc.
2. a missing part; gap or lacuna: Scholars attempted to account for the hiatus in the medieval manuscript.
3. any gap or opening.
Tuesday, 30 September 2008
Places that don't Exist: The Caucuses

Friday, 26 September 2008
Hope on the Korean peninsula provided by an 'informed observer'

- North Korea agrees to a verification protocol that is limited to the 38 nuclear-related sites in the North Korean declaration, which includes anytime access and environmental sampling. Pyongyang hands this agreement over to the Chinese, who hold it in escrow.
- The President of the United States publicly announces that North Korea is not involved in terrorism (which, by happy coincidence, is true) and that he is de-listing North Korea provisionally on the expectation that North Korea will resume disablement activities and agree to a verification. If North Korea fails to agree to a verification scheme within some decent interval, he can simply place Pyongyang back on the list, right between Iran and Sudan. (For some reason, the State Department tends to list the states alphabetically, instead of by date of listing.)
- The Chinese release the North Korean agreement, held in escrow, announcing that the North Koreans have in fact agreed to a verification proposal acceptable to the US. “How wise,” Wang Yi will opine, “of the Great Power to move first, allowing the smaller, weaker party to save face.” He will say this without any hint of irony, which is an advantage to being Chinese.
A quick note on my tubing system...

Tuesday, 23 September 2008
Scenes from Mesapotamia

Myself an amateur photographer, I've always taken a strong interest in photo reportage and the imagery of war. A powerful photograph will burn deep into a persons memory and not only outlast the most salient of arguments, but transcend it.
Tuesday, 16 September 2008
Buried under the rouble [updated]

Monday, 15 September 2008
Sarah Palin in a 'very dangerous world'

PALIN: Perhaps so. I mean, that is the agreement when you are a NATO ally, is if another country is attacked, you're going to be expected to be called upon and help ... We have got to make sure that that is the group that can be counted upon to defend one another in a very dangerous world today.
Sunday, 14 September 2008
United Nations, NATO and the world Beyond Westminster

On Saturday (13th September 2008), BBC Radio 4's Beyond Westminster hosted a fascinating discussion on the nature and future of North Atlantic Treaty Organisation and the United Nations. Those invited onto the programme did an excellent job of examining the complex world both organisations now find themselves deeply involved in. I have no further comment to add to this discussion, so I have posted my (very) rough notes below.
You can download the programme here.
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UN & NATO relied upon by the Western world as the ‘twin pillars of peace’.
Margo Light (Professor of International Relations - LSE). Believes NATO to be the cause of the